~ Mrs. Scherman
I am a big science geek, long-distance runner, lover of shoes and reading, and a mommy of 2 beautiful kids (Tyler, 4 & Brynleigh, 5 months)
I love all sciences...but genetics and microbiology have always been my passions. Here are two pieces of clip-art to represent that:
1. genetic engineering (gene therapy)...soooo cool! Taking genes from one organism, and placing them in other organisms.
I love bench science. These are petri dishes with media, used to grow various types of bacteria for research purposes.
Chris Ceccopieri
H1N1 was a really big virus. BUT IT LOOKS AWESOME!!!!!!!
Hi! I'm Nic Cullen. I'm a SHORT distance runner and I love to run. I'm the 'class warhawk', I'm going to enlist one day. I run track, I love to act, but not sing... in front of people The school insists on making every drama production a musical.... I'm intruiged with wars (Vietnam, the Gulf War and the current one) and 9/11.
I absolutely LOVE astronomy... I wish we had an astronomy class here. I'm also interested in Weaponology.
My name is Jonathan Quigley, my favorite food is Mexican food, I wrestle, play lacrosse, and play football, and I like music.
I chose this picture of a marine biologist and a shark because I love the water, and if I were a scientist I would want to be a marine biologist.
Kerianne Cummings: I am 5.3 and will be 5.3 for the rest of my life. yayy.
Michael Ralph ~I am a student in Mrs. Scherman's biology class. To sum me up I have moved a lot in my childhood, have 2 sisters and a dog, and i play basketball competively.
This is a picture of engineering. I find this area in science very interesting because the creativity in building bridges and buildings can be very fascinating.
My name is Casey Smith and I am a freshman. I like to run cross country and play baseball.
my name is jordan fuller. i am fifteen years old. i have one brother named matthew and he is five years old. i play basketball. my favorite color is purple and i love pasta.
I am Kayla Herrmann I am 15 years old and was born in Dallas Texas. My favorite color is green. I play softball and cheerleading and love the beach.
Im Alec Wood! Im envolved with show choir and I love Cosmetology. My favorite science is probably Biology because I love life!!
Alex Myers, here. I'm one of those crazy-smart kids. I like archery, fencing and drama productions (not those musical things. The real ones that don't involve signing and dancing.).
Science is all round cool, but one of my favorites is astronomy. That isn't an Eye of Sauron, that's the Hourglass Nebula. Cool, huh?
Rachel Randall YAY, Lord of the Rings reference!! I am a huge dork and love things like lord of the rings, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and all the superheroes I can go on... Also i play recreational soccer and love Rock N' Roll. I love astronomy and participate in Astronomy club, there’s a meeting tonight!
My name is John Tallant. I enjoy history, archery, science and sometimes math, as well as anything to do with military history. Biology has been my favorite science subject so far, so the above picture goes with that.
My name is Kayla Herrmann. I am 15 years old from Dallas, Texas and my favorite color is green. I do cheerleading and play softball and love the beach. I chose this picture because I have had knee surgeries and am interested in sports medicine.

My name is Katrina Culbertson. I'm 15 and involved in theater, I dance competeively, and my favorite color is Purple! My favorite type of science is biology and this is a picture of the HIV virus.
My name is Kari Watts. I'm fourteen years old and my favorite color is pink. I cheer competitively and for the school. My favorite subject is science, and so far I am enjoying biology. My picture is a diagram of a hand because I broke my hand last year.
My name is Ibby Boyle. I'm a freshman and my favorite animal is a dog. My favorite food is either cookies, beef jerky, or chicken. (:
My favorite kind of science is psychology.
Hi, I'm Michelle Rasch. I was born in Germany. I am a sophomore at Loveland High School, I play rec soccer. I have a little brother named Jacob, and a little sister named Reese. My favorite kind of sciences are zoology and marine biology.
Hey! My name is Kaitlyn Payne, I'm 16, and I love to enjoy life:) I march the trumpet in the Loveland High School Marching Band, and love jazz music. Haha, catching on to a current theme yet? (I love music:) My favorite biology topic, so far, has been the four molecules of life unit.
Hi everyone! :-) I'm Alayna Pease and I'm a sophomore. I turned fifteen around three weeks ago, and I really should be a freshman. I just moved to Loveland (again, I lived here in kindergarten). I march the tenor saxophone in the marching band. I'm interested in psychology and as of right now, it is my planned career path.
My name is Lauren Mary and im turning 15 on Monday...and yes i am a sophmore.
My name is Brian McElveen. I play lacrosse, hockey and golf. I also really enjoy fishing in my free time. I chose this picture because i really like the ocean, fish and am interested in marine biology.
My name is Emilie Stalnaker. I am a Sophomore at Loveland High School and I am 15 years old. I like to play guitar and I love to travel! I chose this picture of African Animals because I've always wanted to go there and the animals in Africa interest me.

My name is Ben Smith I am 15 years old. I moved to loveland from boston massachussettes. In my free time i like to fish and play lacrosse. My picture is of a fish's gills because I love fishing.
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