Thursday, May 24, 2012

Chelsea Heimbrock's Genetic Vaccine Show


  1. Good job. I like this because it was informative and concise.

  2. Nice. I like your layout and how you had a variety of pictures. -Olivia Lee Block 3

  3. Nice power point. The pictures helped out a lot. This process seems to have a lot of uses and is very helpful. It gets the point across well. Connor Wagner, Block 4.

  4. You had some nice pictures, but didn't utilize them at all. You didn't explain the process with as much detail as I'd like. The bones were there, however.
    Mrs. Scherman

  5. I liked the layout of your powerpoint. I liked the backrounds and how you used color to make the powerpoint more enjoyable. I was also intrested with the powerpoint because I get shots twice a week for my allergies to build up my amune system, so I could some what relate to the topic.

  6. This process seems cool.
    Nice PowerPoint , Scotty miller block 4

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Good powerpoint. I liked that you put the history of the process.
    Megan Luetkemeyer, Block 4.

  9. The powerpoint was very good. THe processes were cool and the pictures were cool. Beau Ngu, Block 4
