Thursday, May 24, 2012

Riley Woolston- Biofuels


  1. Erin Werking Block 2 - I liked your powerpoint. I thought it was interesting because I know someone who uses bioenergy for his house. He had told me about it, but I never really knew what it was or how it was used. You made it easy to understand by using the pictures and saying all the steps. Good job. (:

  2. Like Erin said the pictures made it really easy to understand and it helped to help me get the gist of what biofuels do and are. Austin Hastings

  3. I liked how you used pictures to show the process and also how you used statistics in your power point. I thought your information on wood pellets was interesting and I didn't know they were popular in England.
    Sydney Dudley

  4. I disagree with the rest of the comments. Your technique was explained, but had very little to do with geneticically engineering bacteria, which was the topic. I am not sure how dried pellets have anything to do with GE.
    Mrs. Scherman

  5. Well Riley, it has a lot of good information but there are too many words. Although I did not know much about biofuels before and now I know more!
    Bryce Demoret
