Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ellie Landis, Gel Electrophoresis


  1. The powerpoint was really good. The last slide about a real use of the process was really interesting, and a good way to show what this is all about. Also, everything wa seasy to understand, so I could know all about it.
    -Kelly Powers Block 2

  2. This is really good Ellie! It was really well done and I liked how each slide was a step in the process. I also liked how you used a real life case in which the technique was used.
    Brittany Miller Block 2

  3. Good job! I thought it was very clear, and easy to understand. I thought it was cool how you had a real criminal case that used this gel electrophoresis. I also like how you explained it step-by-step.

    ~Jessica Partin
    blk: 4

  4. This was a really good slidshow, it was easy to understand how the process worked because of the step on each slide. When you used an example of how gel electrophoresis could help it made it even easier to understand.

    Keval Sheth block 3

  5. excellent work, Ellie!
    Mrs. Scherman

  6. Great job Ellie! you did a good job explaining the steps of it. I liked how you had a picture for each step it made the process a lot clearer. I really liked how you used the real case of the first criminal convicted using DNA fingerprinting.
    Abby Klueh block 3

  7. Great job Ellie! I really liked your PowerPoint! It was very clear and precise, especially when it came to the steps of Gel Electrophoresis! I also liked the pictures that accompanied each step. Good job!
