Thursday, May 24, 2012

Annie Reich ~ Block 4 ~ Honolulu Cloning


  1. I like your slide layout design, very colorful and non-boring. I also like how your presentation was very informational, and short and to the point.
    Good Job!

  2. I also loved the design! It was very interesting to look at and it made it more easy to read (: I knew what cloning was but I didn't know specific details on the certain types like Honolulu, but now I do! Two things I found interesting is that it can be used to treat cancer and AIDS, and that also only 3 out of 100 are successful! Anyway, good job on the power point! - Cierra S. B:3

  3. I really liked how you explained everything and you made it easy to understand. I loved how you also used pictures to show the different processes. I really liked the background on the first slide and all together it wasn't too long which is good. Good Job, I really liked it!! Alina Syed B:2.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I liked your slideshow layout, it made it even more interesting! I also like how you made everything short and to the point so it was easy to understand! Olivia Cade Block4

  6. I like your slide show. I have never heard on this technique of cloning so it is completely new to me. Its cool how this could possibly treat AIDS and cancer because those diseases affect so many people. Connor Wagner, Block 4.

  7. Very colorful and clear. Nice job.
    Mrs. Scherman

  8. I liked the design of your slide show. I liked how everything was too the point and there was no random information in the presentation
    Josh Palmer

  9. Your powerpoint was done very well. You used alot of color which grabbed my attention. I thought you explained your topic very clearly so it was not boring. -Chelesea Heimbrock b4

  10. I like the powerpoint design alot. It kept me interested and i also thought your pictures were nice
