Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Erin Werking - Epigenetics


  1. Before watching this powerpoint I did not know what epigenetics was. This powerpoint was put together very well because now I understand what epigenetics are not only the definition, but also a more in depth understanding. I liked that you put experiments of epigenetics. It made it easy to relate epigenetics to an everyday animal, food, and people.

  2. Erin, great slide show! It was very informative and helped me understand epigenetics. I liked that you included examples. This showed you truly understood your topic. With the Sweeden study, it was amazing that a good or bad crop season could affect the future generations with life expectancy and higher risk for cardiovascular disease. Also, I learned obesity levels may rise in future generations when the parent smokes and/or over eats. Very good presentation!
    Beth Rawson

  3. You clearly did your research. All of the info was there. I would have preferred some more visuals, and less words per slide. Nice work, Erin!
    Mrs. Scherman
