Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Katie Sova- Gel Electrophoresis


  1. Seth Brenncok Bell 3May 22, 2012 at 9:05 AM

    This is a very power point. I enjoy how you have a seperate slide for each step.I also enjoy all the pictures. I think maybe you could have added a little more backround info. Seth Brennock Bell 3

  2. I liked your powerpoint a lot and it helped clarify every step that needed to take place. Even though we did this in class your powerpoint and step by step instuction helped to make me understand more clearly. I also enjoyed the pictures. Corynne Swift Block 2

  3. Your powerpoint was very well done. I liked how neatly organized each one of your slides were. Your powerpoint really taught me a lot more about Gel Electrophoresis. Kaleb Swartz- Block 2

  4. Great job with the steps and the pictures really helped, but you didn't elaborate on positives/negatives/examples of technique.
    Mrs. Scherman
