Thursday, May 24, 2012

Jenna Pauly ~ Block 3 ~ GM Food


  1. I really liked that you used bananas as an example of genetically modified food. Also your diagrams were helpful in understanding the process. And i liked your cartoon at the end too. Megan Riehle Block 2.

  2. Good power point.Very colorful and easy to follow. Bananas were a vary good example considering that they are in most kitchens. Also very organized with the process.

    Katherine Schott Block 3

  3. you really needed more pictures in your techniques, and the font was a bit small and hard to read, at times. Otherwise, it was nicely done. I liked your video.
    Mrs. Scherman

  4. Ian Jeffery
    Block 2
    Good use of color in your pp. it was really easy to follow. Good job

  5. Your topic was very interesting and the information was clearly stated. I enjoyed the pictures used. I liked the Banana example also. -Chelsea heimbrock b4

  6. I liked your power point. It was very easy to follow and informative. I also liked how you used the example of the banana throughout the presentation, it made your topic understandable and easy to relate to.

    Olivia Stanton Block 3

  7. Your presentation was good and well organized. I could tell that you did a lot of research and put time into the powerpoint, well done.

    Morgan Mansfield Block 3

  8. Great job! It was a good power point, easy to follow and very colorful. I really liked the diagram also. It made the process a lot easier to understand.

    Megan Ries Block 4
