Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sydney Dudley The Honolulu Technique


  1. Seth Brennock Bell 3May 22, 2012 at 8:53 AM

    This was a very good power point! I liked how you went through each step. I also liked the video but I thought it was a little long. Overall I thought it was very good!

  2. Jessica Bayer Block 2
    Nice job Sydney! I liked how you went step by step and included pictures for each step to show what was actually happening. I liked how you included some statistics about cloning. The uses were very intresting aswell.

  3. Very good presentation. You included a ton of information, especially with the statistics. Also your steps were very thorough and detailed. Good job.
    -Brayden Gruber

  4. Very good powerpoint! I liked how you used pictures for each step and individually explained each step in depth. Putting a video on your presentation was also a great help for me to understand! Corynne Swift Block 2

  5. Nice powerpoint! I liked how far in depth you went in each step. I liked the video as well. Great Job! Kaleb Swartz-Block 2

  6. I really liked your PowerPoint and I thought it was very interesting. I don't know you but I wanted to learn about this technique, so I chose your PowerPoint. I liked that in the presentation when a step was hard to understand you broke it down further to make it easier. I also like your comparisons to the Roslin technique like that a chemical bath is less harmful than electric shock.
    Giovanna Panepinto block 3
