Thursday, May 24, 2012

Katherine Schott Somatic Cell Nuclear TransferScience project kat
View more presentations from kaschott523.


  1. Colette Audax Block 4
    I liked the introduction; I thought it was funny. I also learned that the first clone was a tadpole in 1952.

  2. I liked your PowerPoint because it was easy to read and wasn't difficult to understand. I liked that you bulleted things. I liked that you gave different types of examples and their years in which they were performed. Good job! Alina Syed B:2.

  3. Jenna Pauly Block 3
    I liked the design of your PowerPoint, its very different from the others and I learned the first cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep was in 1996.Great Job!

  4. Did you design this powerpoint or steal it from someone else? It was very elaborate for a HS project. I just questioned if it was your own.
    Mrs. Scherman
