Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Carolyn Eyre- Southern Blot


  1. I learned that the reason for southern blots was to make sure that DNA had been inserted into a genetically modified organism's genome. -Sydney Botts

  2. Before watching this powerpoint I had no idea what southern blots was. I learned that it is a process used for DNA analysis. I also learned the steps of southern blotting. -Jade Tailor

  3. Stephanie Wilson Block 4:
    Hey this is a really great powerpoint buddy!I like that you used pictures for each of the steps. I somewhat knew what southern blotting was before this because I did transgenic organisms but this definitely explained the process more thoroughly!

  4. Great explanation of technique, and very accurately. But, you barely mentioned what it was used for, no positives/negatives and no examples of uses.
    Mrs. Scherman

  5. Great job! Before this I had no idea what southeren blot was, I thought the name was because they figured it out in the south! Really, the power point was very well made. It was easy to follow and explained how the process worked very well.

    Megan Ries Block 4
