Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Epigenetics~ Alina Syed


  1. Melissa Louis Block 4~
    This was an impressive PowerPoint. Before looking at this I knew the basics of epigenetics but I didn't fully understand it. After viewing your PowerPoint I now fully understand the topic. You had a lot of great and useful information. The pictures kept me fully interested and caught my eye. I like the connection you made between epigenetics and the twins because it made a complex topic seem simple. I also liked how you attached a video because I not only read information; I saw it through a visual experience. This was a very great summary of epigenetics. Great Job Alina!!

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  3. Alina, your powerpoint was amazing. It was very organized and I could tell that you spent a lot of time researching your topic. The video was also great and I liked how you included pictures on every slide.

    Kelsey Lykins Block 2

  4. I liked the methylation pictures, although the ones at the back were very small. Try to use less words on a slide.
    Mrs. Scherman

  5. I learned so much reading your powerpoint! I liked the layout and how you put so many facts into the powerpoint. I knew about some decisions you could make that would later on in life affect your children but now I know a lot more about epigenetics. I also loved the example about the twins living in different areas. Good job!
    Annie Reich Block 4

  6. This power point was really good! It explained epigemetics very well and now that I k ow more about it it is a very intriguing subject
    Alyssa Stubbers
    Block 2
