Thursday, January 19, 2012

Kasia Fisher Block 3

My name is Katarzyna Fisher, but I go by Kasia (which sounds kind of like Ke$ha, only with an "ahh" sound for the a...) I really like sports in general, but I gave up gymnastics, track, soccer, and basketball for volleyball. So it's pretty important to me. I've played for my church, for Loveland, and now it's Cincy Classics season. I'm playing some basketball on the side too. I like dogs a lot, but I don't have one because my dad is allergic. But I have a guinea pig! Her name is Belle and she's so cute.

I chose this science picture, because I think genetics is fascinating.

1 comment:

  1. why hello there....i wish i was as famous as you.....tell me bout biology
