Stem Cell Research Article Summary
Nick Huber
Block 4
Con Group
The article describes how in 2010 a patient who had broken his ankle, and would not heal after many surgeries, but was healed after he was injected with Adult Stem Cells from his own bone marrow. Dr. Thomas Einhorn was the doctor who instituted the idea to use this treatment on this patient because of an article he had read from France about success in use of this treatment using Adult Stem Cells. It tells of how it is not similar to embryonic stem cells because these stems cells usually come from the bone marrow in our bodies, and how over two dozen studies for other treatments have been conducted using these stem cells which had a successful outcome in all treatments which shows that there is a wide range of conditions that Adult Stem Cells could treat. This treatment has also helped researchers produce beating hearts, ears and bladders which is what provoked the government to invest, which they have and still are today, hundreds of millions of dollars in this form of research. Researchers have said that they are going to study this form of treatment on people who suffer from heart attacks, sclerosis, and diabetes. They had also stated that they were successfully able to restore sight to a man who lost his vision to a chemical accident. Some doctors and professors are calling this a life saving treatment because some of the major achievements that Adult Stem Cells have gotten are that these stem cells have helped hundreds to thousands of people overcome things such as leukemia, lymphoma, and other blood conditions. For Example, using Adult Stem Cells were tested on a patient who suffered from multiple and frequent heart attacks, but when injected with stem cells it showed to pump blood through the arteries, even though this isn’t something that has proven to stop all other heart attacks but extensive and expensive surgery was not needed to treat the patient, just a simple and relatively cheap injection. Many doctors have seen this as a life saving and life changing treatment and they hope that in a short few years this will be a form of treatment for other diseases because even now using Adult Stem Cells have cured over 70 different diseases.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Charlie Schefft Stem Cell Argument
Charlie Schefft
Alright I think I finally got it to work. Sorry this is so late, I thought that we had to publish this onto our journals in moodle. Hahaha, anyway here it is.
These are my article websites:
These articles talk about the importance of embryonic stem cells and why we need to be using them. The second article explains how embryonic stem cells can be transformed into any cell in the body and be used to cure many fatal diseases such as type 1 diabetes and cancer. I learned from these articles that we can't let religious influences, and beliefs stop embryonic stem cell research and development. It is evil to let sick, dying patients suffer from life-taking diseases when they don't have to be. If embryonic stem cell research was funded, we would be able to find cures for these diseases and give them to everyone who needs them. If people could get over their personal beliefs of why they think embryonic stem cells are soo bad, then we could do this, and save millions of lives all over the world.
Alright I think I finally got it to work. Sorry this is so late, I thought that we had to publish this onto our journals in moodle. Hahaha, anyway here it is.
These are my article websites:
These articles talk about the importance of embryonic stem cells and why we need to be using them. The second article explains how embryonic stem cells can be transformed into any cell in the body and be used to cure many fatal diseases such as type 1 diabetes and cancer. I learned from these articles that we can't let religious influences, and beliefs stop embryonic stem cell research and development. It is evil to let sick, dying patients suffer from life-taking diseases when they don't have to be. If embryonic stem cell research was funded, we would be able to find cures for these diseases and give them to everyone who needs them. If people could get over their personal beliefs of why they think embryonic stem cells are soo bad, then we could do this, and save millions of lives all over the world.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Stem Cell Argument- Josh Reichman block 2
In this article, there are two women, each with macular degeneration, an eye disease that affects millions of Americans and for which there is no cure. After being injected with human embryonic stem cells, they both had much improved results in eyesight. This marked the first time these cells have helped someone.
In this article, there are two women, each with macular degeneration, an eye disease that affects millions of Americans and for which there is no cure. After being injected with human embryonic stem cells, they both had much improved results in eyesight. This marked the first time these cells have helped someone.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Kasia Fisher Stem Cell Con, Block 3
First of all, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that this is coming in so late. I was sick all the way through Sunday and I'm afraid this slipped my mind! Also I apologize for missing the debate which I had been really looking forward to, and I am sorry to hear that it did not go so well!:( Well anyways, here's my paragraph: (and a paper will be coming soon.)
My article is an article that shows ten falsehoods about Embryonic Stem Cell Research. While reading this article, I had to keep in mind that it was a little dated because it states that embryonic stem cells have never cured anyone, when in fact they now have. But the gist of this article was very good. It pointed out all the basic flaws and inhumanities of embryonic stem cell treatment. One part of this article particularly stands out to me; in number ten the author says, "If Mother Nature sends a tsunami that claims thousands of human lives, that does not make it morally permissible for me to take a machine gun and shoot into a stadium filled with thousands of people." I think this is a very good point that demonstrates how natural selection should be what chooses the fate of the embryonic cells, not man. That statement illustrates the fact that each cell is a possible being, and with this kind of research, scientists would be killing off potential babies.
This article also talks about the importance about Adult Stem Cells, and how they are more humane healers. It also talks about how Adult Stem Cells have cured thousands of people. So they are a tried and tested method that are more morally correct than Embryonic Stem Cells are.
First of all, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that this is coming in so late. I was sick all the way through Sunday and I'm afraid this slipped my mind! Also I apologize for missing the debate which I had been really looking forward to, and I am sorry to hear that it did not go so well!:( Well anyways, here's my paragraph: (and a paper will be coming soon.)
My article is an article that shows ten falsehoods about Embryonic Stem Cell Research. While reading this article, I had to keep in mind that it was a little dated because it states that embryonic stem cells have never cured anyone, when in fact they now have. But the gist of this article was very good. It pointed out all the basic flaws and inhumanities of embryonic stem cell treatment. One part of this article particularly stands out to me; in number ten the author says, "If Mother Nature sends a tsunami that claims thousands of human lives, that does not make it morally permissible for me to take a machine gun and shoot into a stadium filled with thousands of people." I think this is a very good point that demonstrates how natural selection should be what chooses the fate of the embryonic cells, not man. That statement illustrates the fact that each cell is a possible being, and with this kind of research, scientists would be killing off potential babies.
This article also talks about the importance about Adult Stem Cells, and how they are more humane healers. It also talks about how Adult Stem Cells have cured thousands of people. So they are a tried and tested method that are more morally correct than Embryonic Stem Cells are.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Megan Ries Block 4 pro embryonic
The first article that I read gave me information of embryonic and adult stem cells. It showed me pros and cons of both sides, which was helpful because in order to be able to defend yourself, it is useful to know what the other side might be saying. The article kind of leaned towards adult stem cells as being better, so I got to see how the other side could be thinking for our debate. I also researched answers to some of the problems brought up that can prepare me for the debate as a result of this article. My second link is a website rather than an article, but I wanted to include it because it was extremely useful and I used it for almost all of my information about stem cells. The layout was kind of tricky to navigate on but once you got past that, it had a multitude of information on the subject, including things like where you can get embryonic stem cells, that will certinley help when it comes to the debate.
The first article that I read gave me information of embryonic and adult stem cells. It showed me pros and cons of both sides, which was helpful because in order to be able to defend yourself, it is useful to know what the other side might be saying. The article kind of leaned towards adult stem cells as being better, so I got to see how the other side could be thinking for our debate. I also researched answers to some of the problems brought up that can prepare me for the debate as a result of this article. My second link is a website rather than an article, but I wanted to include it because it was extremely useful and I used it for almost all of my information about stem cells. The layout was kind of tricky to navigate on but once you got past that, it had a multitude of information on the subject, including things like where you can get embryonic stem cells, that will certinley help when it comes to the debate.
Cons of Embryotic Stem Cells. Kati Ethridge, block 2
Embryotic Stem Cells Are a Dead End
Although embryotic stem cell research may seem like a miracle, scientists and researchers keep diving into huge potholes. For starters, the human body attacks all foreign cells, even cells that are helping you (i.e. the stem cells). Therefore, patients who have undergone stem cell treatment may have to live the rest of their lives on a dangerous immunosuppressant drug. Dr. Bernadine Healy, former director of the Nation Institute of Health, agrees that embryotic stem cell research is obsolete. Along with the danger of living with a suppressed immune system, the embryotic cells also have a nasty habit of causing large tumors called teratomas. Teratomas, although they are benign, they can grow larger than a football. They have also been reported to contain teeth, hair, bone, and in extremely rare cases, they can contain complex organs such as eyes, arms, torsos, and other limbs.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tommy Sato (Bell 3) Embryonic Stem Cells PROS
This article discusses about how the embryonic stem cells are looked upon religious and political perspectives. Religious viewers mainly like the idea of embryonic stem cells, but Catholics and Christians do not fond embryonic stem cells. Not many people who fall under this category do not mind about these cells, but religious viewers do. Embryonic stem cells are also considered more useful compared to adult stem cells, since embryonic stem cell are more reliable than adult stem cells.and adult stem cells are not as reliable. Embryonic stem cells have stronger, reliability due to the flexibility of using the embryonic stem cell on any part of the human body.
This article discusses about how the embryonic stem cells are looked upon religious and political perspectives. Religious viewers mainly like the idea of embryonic stem cells, but Catholics and Christians do not fond embryonic stem cells. Not many people who fall under this category do not mind about these cells, but religious viewers do. Embryonic stem cells are also considered more useful compared to adult stem cells, since embryonic stem cell are more reliable than adult stem cells.and adult stem cells are not as reliable. Embryonic stem cells have stronger, reliability due to the flexibility of using the embryonic stem cell on any part of the human body.
Katherine Schott Stem Cell Con Block 3
As science grows, many new types of discoveries are made. One is stem cell research. The controversy between the two types (adult and embryonic) stand with the ones thought on the killing of a unborn child. It is stated with in this link under Testimonials, that the patient who underwent fetal stem cell treatment (in partnership with embryonic). She only came back with a slight improvement yet not completely. It is also said, for example, that sexual diseases can be treated. Yet while looking for this to be confirmed, nothing was found. From this so called fact, how can one trust a medical treatment facility that gives part truths. Along with the slight improvements the pricing for various treatments range anywhere from $7,500- $35,000, this is extremely pricey form something that has not fully been proven to be able to help or cure a certain disease or complication.
Cons Of Stem Cell Research- Megan Riehle-Block 2
My article starts off with with the people who make policies on stem cell research. It then goes into the funding and development of stem cells under President Bush. In this section it also tells of the Republican parties policies on stem cells. Later it states in the text that the Bush administration spent around $294 million on embryonic stem cell research. The article then goes into the Obama administrations plan for embryonic stem cell research. It said that is was estimated that they would spend around $562 million on the research. It also discusses the judgements on the lawfulness of the stem cell research. It goes over the process of the bills making it legal and giving it grants. It also tells of these bills having trouble passing through the supreme court .
Alina Syed- Block 2- Pro
This article I read was about what embryonic stem cells were and the differences between them and adult stem cells. The also shared how embryonic stem cells were made. It said that embryonic cells are derived from the embryo, hence its name. Then the cell is fertalized and donated for research. Embryonic cells are not fertellized in a women's body. They also talk about the different tests they do on the embryonic stem cells like exhibiting the properties of the cell which is called characterization. On the website the also have different articles about adult stem cells and the similarities and differences. The website also talks about potential problems between adukt stem cells and embryonic stem cells. The article also talked about how these embryonic stem cells are capable of renewing themselves and can become tissue or organ specific cells.
This article I read was about what embryonic stem cells were and the differences between them and adult stem cells. The also shared how embryonic stem cells were made. It said that embryonic cells are derived from the embryo, hence its name. Then the cell is fertalized and donated for research. Embryonic cells are not fertellized in a women's body. They also talk about the different tests they do on the embryonic stem cells like exhibiting the properties of the cell which is called characterization. On the website the also have different articles about adult stem cells and the similarities and differences. The website also talks about potential problems between adukt stem cells and embryonic stem cells. The article also talked about how these embryonic stem cells are capable of renewing themselves and can become tissue or organ specific cells.
Beau Embryonic Stem Cells Pro block 4
My article includes some advantages to Embryonic stem cells. The article mentions how to there are more possibilities with embryonic stem cell than adult stem cells. It also says that 70 million animals are killed each year in testing and embryonic stem cell could greatly reduce this number. In general, my article shows that pros of embryonic stem cells are very beneficial to human health.
Peter Morgan, Block 4 Pro Adult Stem Cells.;contentBody
My article was not so much geared towards the put down of embryonic stem cells but weighing the pros and cons of both. What it does inform the reader of is that adult stem cells have had many, many, successful treatments while embryos haven't had any. This shows that adult stem cells are already successful and we still don't know much about embryonic stem cells. Another point is that to harvest embryos we have to terminate a developing human life while, adult stem cells can be taken out of the blood stream or bone marrow. This is much less costly, less painful to the patient and adult stem cell surgery is covered on most insurance policies. One researcher has reported making a beating heat with the use of adult stem cells and, many cases have shown that stem cells put on a persons heart can make the heart much stronger. Adult stem cells have also helped cure or treat type one diabetes, Cancers such as melanoma and kidney cancer, Multiple sclerosis and more. The only thing that we need to be careful of is ourselves. We all want the research to fall into place and just work and it doesn't happen like that. We have to fight to be patient, to be sure that the research is legitimate and that it will work without fail. But when looking at the progress from both fields of research it is clear that adult stem cells are much more advanced, humane, useful and should be studied more. That is exactly why adult stem cells need to be studied, not embryonic.
My article was not so much geared towards the put down of embryonic stem cells but weighing the pros and cons of both. What it does inform the reader of is that adult stem cells have had many, many, successful treatments while embryos haven't had any. This shows that adult stem cells are already successful and we still don't know much about embryonic stem cells. Another point is that to harvest embryos we have to terminate a developing human life while, adult stem cells can be taken out of the blood stream or bone marrow. This is much less costly, less painful to the patient and adult stem cell surgery is covered on most insurance policies. One researcher has reported making a beating heat with the use of adult stem cells and, many cases have shown that stem cells put on a persons heart can make the heart much stronger. Adult stem cells have also helped cure or treat type one diabetes, Cancers such as melanoma and kidney cancer, Multiple sclerosis and more. The only thing that we need to be careful of is ourselves. We all want the research to fall into place and just work and it doesn't happen like that. We have to fight to be patient, to be sure that the research is legitimate and that it will work without fail. But when looking at the progress from both fields of research it is clear that adult stem cells are much more advanced, humane, useful and should be studied more. That is exactly why adult stem cells need to be studied, not embryonic.
Melissa Louis ~ Block 4 ~ Pro Embryonic
The first article that I read stressed the point that the positive effects of stem cell research are higher than the negative effects. First it described what stem cells are and their importance. Stem cells are cells the are nonspecialized and are capable of creating other types of cells. For this reason, stem cells are crucial in the development and growth of a living organism. The article describes that stem cells are more prominent in embryos rather than in a full grown adult. Because embryonic stem cells have the capability to form other cells in the body, the have great potential. It is said in the article that embryonic stem cells could cure diseases. The article then goes on to explain the pros and cons of embryonic stem cell research's methods and usage of knowledge. The pros include the potential to cure diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, replace or repair damaged organs, fix birth defects, and reduce risk of transplantation. The cons include that we should not mess with human life, humans shouldn't be trying to play god, and that stem cell research will lead to cloning in the future. The article then goes on to a conclusion. In this conclusion, it explains why the debate is a heated one. It mentions that scientists were trying to measure life against life, which is impossible to measure. Both someone dying from a terrible disease and a women having an abortion is a tragedy. They are tragedies in which it's impossible to judge which one of them has the most importance, an aborted baby, or a person who dies of a disease that could have been cured. The article ends with stating that, " The Stem cell research-debate is an example on how people value various aspects differently. It is also an example of how critics and debate can lead to significant improvements for both sides.
This second article explains the difference between embryonic and adult stem cells on how they're used. Embryonic stem cells come from the inner mass of a developing blastocyst. Adult stem cells are taken from the tissue of an adult. They are usually derived from adult human blood located in the bone marrow. These adult stem cells are then re-infused back into the same donor. The article also mentions the use of cord blood stem cells. These stem cells are taken from the umbilical cord during or after the delivery of a baby. These stem cells are then capable of performing three function: Plasticity- potential to change into other cell types, Homing- The ability to travel to the site of tissue, cell, or organ damage, and Engraftment- to unite the other tissues and regenerate the damaged cells, tissue, or organ. The article then goes on to discuss transplant treatment procedures and that there is hope for the future of stem cell research.
Pro-embryonic stem cell reseach
Embryonic stem cells are non specialized cells. These cells are found in the human body and have the ability to multiply and create other types of cells. The best embryonic stem cells come from a human blastocyst or a laboratory fertilized human egg. Some people are against embryonic stem cell research. This is because they feel destroying a blastocyst is the same as murdering someone. What some people may not know is that the fertilized eggs are not taken from a woman’s body. Scientists get the eggs from women who donate them and then they are fertilized in a laboratory. Also when the embryonic stem cells are used, they are only a few days old, so some people don’t consider that a human being yet. Embryonic stem cells can possibly have cures for spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, parkinson’s disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, hundreds of rate immune system and genetic disorders and much more. If we can find a way to save lives and prevent diseases, why shouldn’t we take advantage of that?
By, Ellie Landis
Pro Embryonic Stem Cells
Corey Cotsonas-Block 2
Pro Embryonic Stem Cells
In this article, it describes what Adult stem cells are and what Embryonic stem cells are. It gives examples of both, and explains what they do. The article also talks about the differences in the two stem cells. It explains how Adult stem cells are very different from Embryonic stem cells, and how they aren't as effective. Adult stem cells only replicate specific kinds of cells, while Embryonic stem cells can replicate almost every cell in the human body, making it very effective for treatment. The article also talks about how we can use Embryonic stem cells to help cure different forms of cancer.
Pro Embryonic Stem Cells
In this article, it describes what Adult stem cells are and what Embryonic stem cells are. It gives examples of both, and explains what they do. The article also talks about the differences in the two stem cells. It explains how Adult stem cells are very different from Embryonic stem cells, and how they aren't as effective. Adult stem cells only replicate specific kinds of cells, while Embryonic stem cells can replicate almost every cell in the human body, making it very effective for treatment. The article also talks about how we can use Embryonic stem cells to help cure different forms of cancer.
Abby Smith Stem Cell Argument Summary
"Is More Better?
In the case of stem cells, the answer is yes, assuming that more stem cells still means viable, high quality ones. Embryonic stem cells are capable of almost unlimited division, or proliferation, when placed in a culture whereas adult stem cells do not multiply so readily. The difficulty level varies as well; embryonic stem cells can be grown fairly easily in the laboratory whereas adult stem cells are not easily grown after isolation from mature adult tissues. Stem cell replacement therapies require large numbers of cells and the current difficulty in growing large numbers of adult cells means that their use for therapy at present is limited."
"Is More Better?
In the case of stem cells, the answer is yes, assuming that more stem cells still means viable, high quality ones. Embryonic stem cells are capable of almost unlimited division, or proliferation, when placed in a culture whereas adult stem cells do not multiply so readily. The difficulty level varies as well; embryonic stem cells can be grown fairly easily in the laboratory whereas adult stem cells are not easily grown after isolation from mature adult tissues. Stem cell replacement therapies require large numbers of cells and the current difficulty in growing large numbers of adult cells means that their use for therapy at present is limited."
For my argument I personally focus on two main things: 1) embryonic stem cell are NOT children and 2) canNOT do everything that embryonic can do
I am very religious and don't like the idea of killing what could be a child, however, that's not what embryonic stem cells are. Embryonic stem cells don't have a heart beat and are therefore not human beings yet. Many people can agree with that but then they make the point about having thought and feelings and a soul and when doesn't that happen?...It doesn't in embryonic stem cells because the embryonic stem cells have no nervous system and can't feel anything.
People think that adult stem cells can do everything embryonic stem cells can and are therefore the easy answer...but they are simply wrong. Embryonic stem cells can become any lost or damaged cells and will not reject because they have not been "copywrited" yet.
I believe that scientifically it is not what most people think and that once you start to understand what they really are it becomes clear that socially and morally this would be the bet route that.
Keval Sheth Con. block 3
The main controversy over embryonic stem cells is when does life really begin? Most people believe that the starting point of life is during conception. Those that value life are opposed to embryonic stem cell research because in order to extract the embryo you have to destroy the life form. So in other words to do embryonic stem cell research you would be killing millions of PEOPLE. If your wondering how that's killing human life its because even though they aren't actually born yet they are still ALIVE and eventually will become a human.
Some say that its for the greater good and the embryonic stem cells are proven to help humans overcome things like cancer. They are WRONG. Currently there is no proven technique to culture embryonic stem cells. They are trying to do it by trail and error. In other words those possible human life forms are being experimented on for no proven reason. Its just like brutal murder for absolute no cause or to TRY further improve humanity. By doing this your messing with the natural function of life. This intern could cause serious and possibly fatal consequences.
The main controversy over embryonic stem cells is when does life really begin? Most people believe that the starting point of life is during conception. Those that value life are opposed to embryonic stem cell research because in order to extract the embryo you have to destroy the life form. So in other words to do embryonic stem cell research you would be killing millions of PEOPLE. If your wondering how that's killing human life its because even though they aren't actually born yet they are still ALIVE and eventually will become a human.
Some say that its for the greater good and the embryonic stem cells are proven to help humans overcome things like cancer. They are WRONG. Currently there is no proven technique to culture embryonic stem cells. They are trying to do it by trail and error. In other words those possible human life forms are being experimented on for no proven reason. Its just like brutal murder for absolute no cause or to TRY further improve humanity. By doing this your messing with the natural function of life. This intern could cause serious and possibly fatal consequences.
Kelsey Martin- Cons- Block 4
I am on the Cons side of the debate which means I am against embryonic stem cell research and for adult stem cell research. My article talks about how adult stem cells are taken from the human body. Adult stem cells are being studied in people who suffer from heart attacks and diabetes. They have also become a lifesaving therapy for people with blood diseases. This article talks about how adult stem cells have restored vision to people whose eyesight has been damaged by chemicals. We have been using adult stem cells for decades where as using embryonic stem cells is still fairly new.
I am on the Cons side of the debate which means I am against embryonic stem cell research and for adult stem cell research. My article talks about how adult stem cells are taken from the human body. Adult stem cells are being studied in people who suffer from heart attacks and diabetes. They have also become a lifesaving therapy for people with blood diseases. This article talks about how adult stem cells have restored vision to people whose eyesight has been damaged by chemicals. We have been using adult stem cells for decades where as using embryonic stem cells is still fairly new.
Kelsey Lykins Con, Block 2
In my article it discussed the issues of stem cell research and expenses. Stem cell research isn't cheap and is paid for by federal funding. The issue is that taxpayers don't want to be supporting the research by having there money go to something they don't approve of. It is also frustrating for them to pay their taxes to research that hasn't really progressed in the past 20 years. William Haseltine, CEO of Human Genome Sciences, even said,"The routine utilization of human embryonic stem cells for medicine is 20 to 30 years hence. The timeline to commercialization is so long that I simply would not invest." It doesn't help that the taxpayers are angry while there money is going to research, but now even big company won't invest Stem Cell research. The research also has been at a stand still for quite some time and hasn't been used to treat people because they haven't been tested for their safety.
My article also talked about the expense issues with harvesting embryonic stem cells. The equipmnet used to harvest the cells can cost at $100,000 to $200,000 for just 50 to 100 patients. Collecting just 10 eggs already requires a minimun of 85 to 170 million women. The cost for the harvesting of the embryonic cell is the most expensive process of stem cell research.
My article also talked about the expense issues with harvesting embryonic stem cells. The equipmnet used to harvest the cells can cost at $100,000 to $200,000 for just 50 to 100 patients. Collecting just 10 eggs already requires a minimun of 85 to 170 million women. The cost for the harvesting of the embryonic cell is the most expensive process of stem cell research.
Brittany Miller
Ten Problems with Embryonic Stem Cell Research
By: Kelly Hollowell, Ph.D
Embryonic stem cell research is a hugely debatable subject in the science world right now. However, there are a lot of reasons we should stick to researching adult stem cells.
One big debate is whether the embryonic stem cells are considered people or property. The fact that scientists are cloning the cells in the first place proves in itself that life begins at the point where the egg becomes fertilized. This proves that there is no real distinction between pre-embryo and embryo. Therefore, the cells should be considered people.
Next, supporters of embryonic stem cell research refer to the embryos as “pluripotent,” which means that the stem cell cannot reform the trophoblast (outer layer of the embryo that is required for implantation into the uterus) that is removed before the cells are allowed to grow. This, however, is misleading. James Thomson, who led attempts at growing embryonic stem cells, says that the trophoblast is capable of reforming.
Problem #3 is that embryonic stem cell research is related to cloning, which many people are against. It is therapeutic cloning, in which we clone living beings to destroy them, rather than create new babies like in reproductive cloning.
Then there is the fact that President Bush made it so federal funds could not be used to fund embryonic stem cell research, but the 64 stem cell lines that are already known are allowed to be used. Scientists claim this isn’t enough, hence the reason for all of the debating.
There is a law that could apply to embryonic stem cell research. The “Dickey Amendment” prohibits federal funding of any embryonic stem cell research that involves human embryos being purposely exposed to risk of injury or death. This may not, however, protect pre-embryos.
There are polls that show that the majority of Americans are against the use of federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.
Embryonic stem cell research is leading us to growing humans to harvest their body parts. Taking the cells from an embryo is like taking the body parts off of an already born human being.
This can offer great fame and fortune to those who make great discoveries with this embryonic stem cell research and that can often change one’s morals.
Embryonic stem cells have lead to rapid tissue growth and therefore caused tumors. They can also cause uncontrollable movements such as twisting, head jerking, arm-flailing, and constant chewing. Mice that were cloned were genetically defective.
Adult stem cell research has been thriving and many diseases, such as breast cancer and leukemia, have been cured and treated by adult stem cells. Adult stem cells don’t need to be harvested from an unborn baby. There’s no need to kill unborn babies when we have the choice to research adult stem cells.
My article was really long...
Sydney Botts, Block 4- Con
The article I chose explains the three different types of stem cells used in research and the treatment of diseases. The three types are adult, umbilical cord, and embryonic stem cells. My article points out that the adult stem cells which are extracted from bone marrow or the peripheral blood system are superior to the other types of stem cells. Adult stem cells are taken directly from the patient’s own body so there is an exact DNA match and the body’s immune system will not reject them. Since the bone marrow is a rich source of stem cells, they are always abundant. My article also states that mice treated for Parkinson’s with embryonic stem cells have died from brain tumors in as much as 20% of cases. In addition, embryonic stem cells stored over time have created abnormalities that create cancer cells. I would argue as the article does that research funds should be devoted to adult stem cell research over embryonic stem cell research as the adult stem cells are more promising in the treatment of diseases of all types.
Stem Cell Argument Block 2 Bryce Demoret
In this article they discuss the religious and political debates about embryonic stem cell research. It talks about how a lot of the religions such as Christianity, Buddhism and many other religions. It says that when you take out the embryonic stem cells, you also are killing the unborn baby. Also it says that if you are against abortion then you are against this too because you are killing the unborn baby in the process. The article also includes a very good quote from Pope John Paul II. Then it goes into the political debate that is going on in America and talking about the senators and presidents for and against the research.
Scotty Miller, Block 4: Con
My article is about how far ASC research is ahead of ESC research. Adult stem cells have shown much more success than embryonic stem cells, and as of right now, ASC's seem to have the edge over ESC's.
Jade Tailor, Block 2, Con Group
This article is about the pros of adult stem cells. Adult stem cells are taken from the adults bone marrow over a period of time. The cells are then stored in a controlled place, until they are large enough to be injected and used. There have been cases in which dogs and horses are treated with adult stem cells, and this has helped cure arthritis, hip dysplasia, and lymphoma. Researchers have found out that adult stem cells can become any other type of cell in the body. Researchers have now realized the benefits of adult stem cells so they have now used their time to find out more about the cells.
This article is about the pros of adult stem cells. Adult stem cells are taken from the adults bone marrow over a period of time. The cells are then stored in a controlled place, until they are large enough to be injected and used. There have been cases in which dogs and horses are treated with adult stem cells, and this has helped cure arthritis, hip dysplasia, and lymphoma. Researchers have found out that adult stem cells can become any other type of cell in the body. Researchers have now realized the benefits of adult stem cells so they have now used their time to find out more about the cells.
Carley Lutz Block 3 Con Group
Adult stem cells have a potentially limitless supply. A person receiving a treatment is able to use their own adult stem cells, unlike embryonic, and this make the possibility of the body rejecting them and causing tumors much slimmer. These are a couple of benefits to using adult stem cells along with many more. Adult stem cells have already helped cure and treat people for various diseases such as cancers, leukemia and other blood diseases. Adult stem cells have the potential to be used in many different types of therapies. The adult stem cells are more efficient than the embryonic and they are not controversial. They do not involve taking the life of a human for the sake of research. For all you know that embryo could have been the next president, the person who ends world hunger, the person who creates world peace, but by using embryonic stem cells that person wouldn’t exist and no one would know. By using embryonic stem cell research you are taking away the possibility for a great and powerful person and taking away someone’s life without their consent. It says in our constitution that everyone has the right to life, liberty in the fourteenth amendment. How can someone be free if they were never given a chance at life? I think we should only use adult stem cells; no one should be able to decide who gets to be born and who doesn’t.
Sally DeNoma Block 3 Con group
Stem Cell research is currently a very controversial issue due to the way we are acquiring embryonic stem cells. My article describes the pros and cons, and arguments behind the usage of the stem cells. In order to obtain (most) embryonic stem cells, a fertilized egg must first be produced, and then destroyed. A fertilized egg should be considered a human life, and human life should not be compromised. The bad outweighs the good in this situation, in order to cure a person, another "person" must be killed, and it is not fair to trade one life for another. As for the use of stem cells from the umbilical cord, it is very expensive to store the cells in a cryogenic cell bank.
Stem Cell research is currently a very controversial issue due to the way we are acquiring embryonic stem cells. My article describes the pros and cons, and arguments behind the usage of the stem cells. In order to obtain (most) embryonic stem cells, a fertilized egg must first be produced, and then destroyed. A fertilized egg should be considered a human life, and human life should not be compromised. The bad outweighs the good in this situation, in order to cure a person, another "person" must be killed, and it is not fair to trade one life for another. As for the use of stem cells from the umbilical cord, it is very expensive to store the cells in a cryogenic cell bank.
Holli Cook, Block 2, Pro group
My article starts out with what stem cell research is. It says that stem cells are cells that are capable of becoming all or many of the 210 different kinds of tissues in the human body. It also talks about early human embryo. They are just stem cells, and we should not think of them as human beings. The cells have the potential to become a human, but are not when they extract them.
Then it talks about the major purposes and goals of stem cell research. The three major goals usually cited for pursuing this research are:the gaining of important scientific knowledge about embryonic development and its application to related fields, curing diseases, and screening drugs for pharmaceutical companies instead of having to rely on animal models.
Next, the question is "Are all kinds of stem cell research ethical?" Most commentators agree that the use of stem cells derived from adult human beings are ethically acceptable. The major point of disagreement involves the use of stem cells derived from early human embryos and aborted fetuses. Most "pro" embryonic stem cell research say that is is ethically acceptable to destroy a few human beings in order to possibly benefit millions of patients. On the other hand, opponents of embryonic stem cell research say that it is never ethically acceptable to intentionally kill any innocent human being, no matter how small, even if the "possible benefit" is so big.
The last thing my article talks about is if it is legal to do stem cell research. It is legal, but the funding for it is not very high.
My article starts out with what stem cell research is. It says that stem cells are cells that are capable of becoming all or many of the 210 different kinds of tissues in the human body. It also talks about early human embryo. They are just stem cells, and we should not think of them as human beings. The cells have the potential to become a human, but are not when they extract them.
Then it talks about the major purposes and goals of stem cell research. The three major goals usually cited for pursuing this research are:the gaining of important scientific knowledge about embryonic development and its application to related fields, curing diseases, and screening drugs for pharmaceutical companies instead of having to rely on animal models.
Next, the question is "Are all kinds of stem cell research ethical?" Most commentators agree that the use of stem cells derived from adult human beings are ethically acceptable. The major point of disagreement involves the use of stem cells derived from early human embryos and aborted fetuses. Most "pro" embryonic stem cell research say that is is ethically acceptable to destroy a few human beings in order to possibly benefit millions of patients. On the other hand, opponents of embryonic stem cell research say that it is never ethically acceptable to intentionally kill any innocent human being, no matter how small, even if the "possible benefit" is so big.
The last thing my article talks about is if it is legal to do stem cell research. It is legal, but the funding for it is not very high.
Riley Woolston, Pro Group, Block 2
My article talks about some pros and cons to both sides of stem cell research. One of its main points is that embryonic stem cell research has more potential and usefulness than adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have the potential to be create into any cell to where adult stem cells usually only form into the type of cell where the original adult cell derived from. This is just one example of how embryonic stem cells are more useful than adult stem cells. Also, many cons think that during embryonic stem cell research that a human life is ended. This is not true. A blastocyst is a ball of about 150 cells. The embryonic stem cells are extracted from the center of this ball of cells. During this process the blastocyst dies. Those cells have no characteristics of a human being. These cells are fertilized in a laboratory. These cells are not human lives. If properly and naturally fertilized by a female they do have the possibility of potentially becoming a human embryo, but they cells are extracted and laboratory-fertilized before any human life starts to begin.
My article talks about some pros and cons to both sides of stem cell research. One of its main points is that embryonic stem cell research has more potential and usefulness than adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have the potential to be create into any cell to where adult stem cells usually only form into the type of cell where the original adult cell derived from. This is just one example of how embryonic stem cells are more useful than adult stem cells. Also, many cons think that during embryonic stem cell research that a human life is ended. This is not true. A blastocyst is a ball of about 150 cells. The embryonic stem cells are extracted from the center of this ball of cells. During this process the blastocyst dies. Those cells have no characteristics of a human being. These cells are fertilized in a laboratory. These cells are not human lives. If properly and naturally fertilized by a female they do have the possibility of potentially becoming a human embryo, but they cells are extracted and laboratory-fertilized before any human life starts to begin.
Emily Bateman Block 3-Con Group
My article has both pro and con points. The main point I found interesting was: Many people experimenting on embryonic stem cells say that it is okay to kill the embryo. They feel this way because when they make the decision, it is still in the blastocyst stage. This means it does not yet have an identity or the capability to think, feel, or express emotions. Just because a person doesn't have a name, an identity, self-awareness does not mean it is right to kill them. People who are comatose, who have many other diseases/disabilities cannot experience normal awareness, feel or have expressions but, we do not kill them do we?
Another point my article discusses is the fact that many embryos go to waste. It says that even though embryos are frozen, once donated, they eventually die. So many of the embryos don't even get used for research or to save another life.
My last piece of information from my article is that many bodies will reject the new stem cells. This would not help the person receiving them and in the process they could die and at the same time killing the embryo, another life.
Another point my article discusses is the fact that many embryos go to waste. It says that even though embryos are frozen, once donated, they eventually die. So many of the embryos don't even get used for research or to save another life.
My last piece of information from my article is that many bodies will reject the new stem cells. This would not help the person receiving them and in the process they could die and at the same time killing the embryo, another life.
Stem Cell Cons-Abby John-Block 3
Stem cell research has been a very constroversal issue for many years. My article that I have chosen is for the con side of this issue. The article explains 10 different reasons we should not use embryonic stem cells. My article has many good and valid points to this issue. Some of the points are that using human embryo is inhuman, because it has a chance to become life. Also that there is no complete successful cure using the stem cells from embryos. Another valid point that my article makes is that stem cell research just costs way too much and that it could even possibly lead to disease. So why would we use embryonic stem cells when we could just use stem cells from an umbilical cord or adult stem cells? I mean research shows that adult stem cells are far more effective in treating diseases than embryonic stem cells. Those were a few reasons why we should not use embryonic stem cells.
Stem cell research has been a very constroversal issue for many years. My article that I have chosen is for the con side of this issue. The article explains 10 different reasons we should not use embryonic stem cells. My article has many good and valid points to this issue. Some of the points are that using human embryo is inhuman, because it has a chance to become life. Also that there is no complete successful cure using the stem cells from embryos. Another valid point that my article makes is that stem cell research just costs way too much and that it could even possibly lead to disease. So why would we use embryonic stem cells when we could just use stem cells from an umbilical cord or adult stem cells? I mean research shows that adult stem cells are far more effective in treating diseases than embryonic stem cells. Those were a few reasons why we should not use embryonic stem cells.
Carolyn Eyre- Block 4, Pro Group
The article I used for part of my research was about two older women with macular degeneration, a disease that causes blindness in elderly people. These women had surgery using embryonic stem cells to increase their vision, and it succeeded in both cases. This article is significant because it gives an example of just one of the many diseases that can be cured using embryonic stem cells.
The article I used for part of my research was about two older women with macular degeneration, a disease that causes blindness in elderly people. These women had surgery using embryonic stem cells to increase their vision, and it succeeded in both cases. This article is significant because it gives an example of just one of the many diseases that can be cured using embryonic stem cells.
Libby Jacobs, Block 2, Pro Group
My article is about the pros and cons of embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic have a greater potential because they can develop into nearly every type of cell in the human body. However, new studies suggest that they could possibly have a greater plasticity than orginally thought. Embryonic stem cells are grown easier and in larger numbers than dult stem cells. An advantage of adult stem cells, however, is that there is less chance of rejection because they are compatible with the person's immune system Embryonic stem cells have a greater chance of rejection which could lead to potential disease. Yet adult stem cells have a greater possibilty for DNA mutations compared to embryonic stem cells. The biggest concern and contreversy lies within the issue of morals and ethics. Adult stem cells are harvested with the consent of the patient whereas embryonic stem cells are harvested by destroying a human embryo. However, the potential is greater is for embryonic stem cells but research for adult stem cells is still being advocated.
My article is about the pros and cons of embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic have a greater potential because they can develop into nearly every type of cell in the human body. However, new studies suggest that they could possibly have a greater plasticity than orginally thought. Embryonic stem cells are grown easier and in larger numbers than dult stem cells. An advantage of adult stem cells, however, is that there is less chance of rejection because they are compatible with the person's immune system Embryonic stem cells have a greater chance of rejection which could lead to potential disease. Yet adult stem cells have a greater possibilty for DNA mutations compared to embryonic stem cells. The biggest concern and contreversy lies within the issue of morals and ethics. Adult stem cells are harvested with the consent of the patient whereas embryonic stem cells are harvested by destroying a human embryo. However, the potential is greater is for embryonic stem cells but research for adult stem cells is still being advocated.
Stem-Cell research Pros Block:3 Bailey Paschal
I think that people should research into stem-cell production. There are many benefits that come along with this study. Scientists have observed that when a person is treated with this, many diseases can be cured in the future. The strong diseases such as Parkinson's disease and many other genetically tranferred diseases will be depleted and save many lives. Another benefit in Stem-Cell Research is that many reasons about the human body and the functions of the body can be answered. The spread of this reasearch all over the world is rapidly increasing and can change our future. The price for this researchmay be very high, yet doctors have predicted that if the reasearch continues, with being banned, a persons' actual heart can be copied and transplanted into the body if the person is in dier need of an instant heart. The transplation of a heart can cure many lives itself and there are may more capabilities of this research yet to come.I am completley for this research. If we the people can save lives now, it will save our generation years to come.
I think that people should research into stem-cell production. There are many benefits that come along with this study. Scientists have observed that when a person is treated with this, many diseases can be cured in the future. The strong diseases such as Parkinson's disease and many other genetically tranferred diseases will be depleted and save many lives. Another benefit in Stem-Cell Research is that many reasons about the human body and the functions of the body can be answered. The spread of this reasearch all over the world is rapidly increasing and can change our future. The price for this researchmay be very high, yet doctors have predicted that if the reasearch continues, with being banned, a persons' actual heart can be copied and transplanted into the body if the person is in dier need of an instant heart. The transplation of a heart can cure many lives itself and there are may more capabilities of this research yet to come.I am completley for this research. If we the people can save lives now, it will save our generation years to come.
Annie Reich-Block 4, Con group
I am on the con side of the debate so I am completely against ESCs and I’m open to ASCs as an alternative. The article I read was “The Case for Adult Stem Cell Research.” In this article it talked about how adult stem cells have been used successfully in numerous patients. Unlike embryonic stem cells, which are taken from a developing embryo at the blastocyst stage killing a developing human, adult stem cells are taken out of the tissues of a growing body, not killing anyone. It also talked about how adult stem cells have the potential to be “reprogrammed.” By this they mean that they can now not only adjust to specific conditions of a new tissue environment, but they can now assume more generalized, earlier levels of development. The article talked about how adult stem cells are mainly taken out of bone marrow and how they have tested on rats. Scientists have also tested adult stem cell treatments on other animals and recently there have been a growing number of reports showing how adult stem cells can successfully transform themselves into differentiated cells of organs. Overall the article was saying that adult stem cells would be a very promising and productive research field. Also that with adult stem cells we could discover fundamentals of the dynamics of tissue differentiation.
Connor Wagner, Block 4, Con Group
My article is about an Iraq War veteran who was paralyzed from his chest down. It talks about how he will be receiving injections of adult stem cells from his own bone marrow to cure his back. It also compares adult stem cells to embryonic stem cells and tells about what adult stem cells can do. It says that while embryonic stem cells are being researched and getting approved, adult stem cells are advancing rapidly. It says that adult stem cells have been successful in curing leukemia, various blood diseases, and cardiovascular ailments. In this case, they are hoping for it to heal damaged neurons in the patient's back. The last thing it talks about is how scientists aim to cure the 311,000 people in the U.S. that are currently living with spinal cord injuries by performing similar treatments to the one being performed on the Iraq War veteran.
Katie Sova - Block 2 - Con Group
In the article "Adult Stem Cell Research Far Ahead of Embryonic" it talks about the pros of using adult stem cells for treatment as opposed to using embryonic stem cells. Adult Stem cells have been further researched and are now safer than using embryonic cells. Transplants of adult stem cells have been used on thousands of people, and have been used in the treatment of leukemia and lymphoma. Adult stem cells also were found to help in the fight against multiple sclerosis, heart attacks and diabetes, prevent amputation and restore vision in patients who suffered chemical burns to their eyes. Using adult stem cells is something that has been happening routinely for decades, and is much less controversial than the transplantation of embryonic stem cells. Studies show that adult stem cells are as (if not more) effective in the treatment of such diseases as the ones above. For me there is an obvious answer to the question of embryonic versus adult. I believe all the research and funding for stem cell research should be directed to adult stem cells.
In the article "Adult Stem Cell Research Far Ahead of Embryonic" it talks about the pros of using adult stem cells for treatment as opposed to using embryonic stem cells. Adult Stem cells have been further researched and are now safer than using embryonic cells. Transplants of adult stem cells have been used on thousands of people, and have been used in the treatment of leukemia and lymphoma. Adult stem cells also were found to help in the fight against multiple sclerosis, heart attacks and diabetes, prevent amputation and restore vision in patients who suffered chemical burns to their eyes. Using adult stem cells is something that has been happening routinely for decades, and is much less controversial than the transplantation of embryonic stem cells. Studies show that adult stem cells are as (if not more) effective in the treatment of such diseases as the ones above. For me there is an obvious answer to the question of embryonic versus adult. I believe all the research and funding for stem cell research should be directed to adult stem cells.
Jessica Bayer-Block 2-Pro Group,9171,1874840,00.html
My article starts off with telling the story of Douglas Melton's son finding out that he has Type 1 diabetes. Once Melton found this out he wanted to do something that could find a cure since this diagnosis was a big change for his family. He became convinced that stem cells would play a big role in new therapies that will treat and maybe cure diabetes and diseases with no treatment.
The field in which stem cells are being studied has been revolved around embryonic stem cells or adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are cells that are taken from an embryo and could turn into any of the body’s 200 tissue types. Adult stem cells are cells that are taken from mature organs or skin that are limited to becoming only certain types of tissue.
Canadian researchers Ernest McCulloch and James Till where the first to prove that stem cells existed in blood. They decided to take mice and destroy their immune cells. They then injected bone-marrow cells into the mice’s spleens and saw a ball of cells grow from each injection site. Each mass had emerged from a single stem cell which generated new blood cells. From this discovery, 35 years later James Thomson isolated the first embryonic stem cell. This then inspired other researchers to eventually replace cells that had been damaged or taken over by disease.
My article starts off with telling the story of Douglas Melton's son finding out that he has Type 1 diabetes. Once Melton found this out he wanted to do something that could find a cure since this diagnosis was a big change for his family. He became convinced that stem cells would play a big role in new therapies that will treat and maybe cure diabetes and diseases with no treatment.
The field in which stem cells are being studied has been revolved around embryonic stem cells or adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are cells that are taken from an embryo and could turn into any of the body’s 200 tissue types. Adult stem cells are cells that are taken from mature organs or skin that are limited to becoming only certain types of tissue.
Canadian researchers Ernest McCulloch and James Till where the first to prove that stem cells existed in blood. They decided to take mice and destroy their immune cells. They then injected bone-marrow cells into the mice’s spleens and saw a ball of cells grow from each injection site. Each mass had emerged from a single stem cell which generated new blood cells. From this discovery, 35 years later James Thomson isolated the first embryonic stem cell. This then inspired other researchers to eventually replace cells that had been damaged or taken over by disease.
Megan Luetkemeyer, Block 4, Con
My article covers the basics of stem cell research. It talks about how stem cells are found in most multi-cellular organisms, and have the ability to regenerate themselves into different types of cells. It also talks about how embryonic stem cells are taken from and embryo that is 4 to 5 days old. Which destroys a potential human's life. Adult stem cells are more widely researched than embryonic stem cells. It also says that inhecting embryonic stem cells into the human body could result in them turning into different cells that they need to be, and could cause a tumor.
Embryonic Stem Cells-Con Group-Brayden Gruber-Block 2
In this stem cell debate, I am on the con side. After doing some research, I found two good articles that support the con argument. My first article mainly describes better alternatives to using embryonic stem cells. For example, it seems a lot wiser to use adult stem cells that embryonic stem cells. Almost one hundred people have been successfully treated with adult stem cells. One of these people are Barry Goudy. Barry Goudy was treated with adult stem cells in order to help his multiple sclerosis. Barry now says, "They reboot your immune system. I live a normal life. I coach hockey, I play racquetball, I golf." Another alternative to embryonic stem cells are skin cells. Dr. Shinya Yamanaka of Japan's Kyoto University was the first person to ever reprogram skin cells to be used like embryonic stem cells. These skin cells can do everything that an embryonic stem cell can do without using one embryo. Even the National Institutes of Health say that these skin cells are a great source for replacement cells and replacement tissue. These skin cells are able to treat Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. My second article mainly discusses the moral side of embryonic stem cell research. The article says how humans should not try to play God and how we should not tamper with a human life. The article is also saying that treating an embryo like it is not living yet is pretty much saying that life at an earlier stage is not as important as life at a later stage. This is what my two articles about embryonic stem cell research discussed.
In this stem cell debate, I am on the con side. After doing some research, I found two good articles that support the con argument. My first article mainly describes better alternatives to using embryonic stem cells. For example, it seems a lot wiser to use adult stem cells that embryonic stem cells. Almost one hundred people have been successfully treated with adult stem cells. One of these people are Barry Goudy. Barry Goudy was treated with adult stem cells in order to help his multiple sclerosis. Barry now says, "They reboot your immune system. I live a normal life. I coach hockey, I play racquetball, I golf." Another alternative to embryonic stem cells are skin cells. Dr. Shinya Yamanaka of Japan's Kyoto University was the first person to ever reprogram skin cells to be used like embryonic stem cells. These skin cells can do everything that an embryonic stem cell can do without using one embryo. Even the National Institutes of Health say that these skin cells are a great source for replacement cells and replacement tissue. These skin cells are able to treat Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. My second article mainly discusses the moral side of embryonic stem cell research. The article says how humans should not try to play God and how we should not tamper with a human life. The article is also saying that treating an embryo like it is not living yet is pretty much saying that life at an earlier stage is not as important as life at a later stage. This is what my two articles about embryonic stem cell research discussed.
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