Thursday, February 16, 2012

Annie Reich-Block 4, Con group

            I am on the con side of the debate so I am completely against ESCs and I’m open to ASCs as an alternative. The article I read was “The Case for Adult Stem Cell Research.” In this article it talked about how adult stem cells have been used successfully in numerous patients. Unlike embryonic stem cells, which are taken from a developing embryo at the blastocyst stage killing a developing human, adult stem cells are taken out of the tissues of a growing body, not killing anyone. It also talked about how adult stem cells have the potential to be “reprogrammed.” By this they mean that they can now not only adjust to specific conditions of a new tissue environment, but they can now assume more generalized, earlier levels of development. The article talked about how adult stem cells are mainly taken out of bone marrow and how they have tested on rats. Scientists have also tested adult stem cell treatments on other animals and recently there have been a growing number of reports showing how adult stem cells can successfully transform themselves into differentiated cells of organs. Overall the article was saying that adult stem cells would be a very promising and productive research field. Also that with adult stem cells we could discover fundamentals of the dynamics of tissue differentiation.

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