Thursday, February 16, 2012

Connor Wagner, Block 4, Con Group

My article is about an Iraq War veteran who was paralyzed from his chest down. It talks about how he will be receiving injections of adult stem cells from his own bone marrow to cure his back. It also compares adult stem cells to embryonic stem cells and tells about what adult stem cells can do. It says that while embryonic stem cells are being researched and getting approved, adult stem cells are advancing rapidly. It says that adult stem cells have been successful in curing leukemia, various blood diseases, and cardiovascular ailments. In this case, they are hoping for it to heal damaged neurons in the patient's back. The last thing it talks about is how scientists aim to cure the 311,000 people in the U.S. that are currently living with spinal cord injuries by performing similar treatments to the one being performed on the Iraq War veteran.

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