Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Stem Cell Argument- Corynne Swift block 2

  A embryonic stem cell is a fertilized egg. This egg has the capability of becoming a fully grown organism, but since it will be used for research the egg will become nothing more than a replaceable research object. There is also a high risk of getting cancerous tumors from the use of stem cells and the stem cells do not form pure cell cultures.Not only are tumors at risk but other genetic abnormalities are at risk when using embryonic stem cells instead of adult stem cells.
  If bone marrow cells were used, people would morally support this use of stem cells over embryonic because you would not be using what could have become a human for research. Bone marrow can be changed into many different types of cells if they are needed if these certain cells are lacking a body. Another positive to bone marrow is that the body will not reject it since it is from it's own body. Adult stem cells are clearly more morally and genetically acceptable for our bodies.

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