Thursday, February 16, 2012

Holli Cook, Block 2, Pro group

My article starts out with what stem cell research is. It says that stem cells are cells that are capable of becoming all or many of the 210 different kinds of tissues in the human body. It also talks about early human embryo. They are just stem cells, and we should not think of them as human beings. The cells have the potential to become a human, but are not when they extract them.

Then it talks about the major purposes and goals of stem cell research. The three major goals usually cited for pursuing this research are:the gaining of important scientific knowledge about embryonic development and its application to related fields, curing diseases, and screening drugs for pharmaceutical companies instead of having to rely on animal models.

Next, the question is "Are all kinds of stem cell research ethical?" Most commentators agree that the use of stem cells derived from adult human beings are ethically acceptable. The major point of disagreement involves the use of stem cells derived from early human embryos and aborted fetuses. Most "pro" embryonic stem cell research say that is is ethically acceptable to destroy a few human beings in order to possibly benefit millions of patients. On the other hand, opponents of embryonic stem cell research say that it is never ethically acceptable to intentionally kill any innocent human being, no matter how small, even if the "possible benefit" is so big.

The last thing my article talks about is if it is legal to do stem cell research. It is legal, but the funding for it is not very high.

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