Thursday, February 16, 2012

Keval Sheth Con. block 3

          The main controversy over embryonic stem cells is when does life really begin? Most people believe that the starting point of life is during conception. Those that value life are opposed to embryonic stem cell research because in order to extract the embryo you have to destroy the life form. So in other words to do embryonic stem cell research you would be killing millions of PEOPLE. If your wondering how that's killing human life its because even though they aren't actually born yet they are still ALIVE and eventually will become a human.

Some say that its for the greater good and the embryonic stem cells are proven to help humans overcome things like cancer. They are WRONG. Currently there is no proven technique to culture embryonic stem cells. They are trying to do it by trail and error. In other words those possible human life forms are being experimented on for no proven reason. Its just like brutal murder for absolute no cause or to TRY further improve humanity. By doing this your messing with the natural function of life. This intern could cause serious and possibly fatal consequences.

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