Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Argument- Emily Luti Block 2

There are many liabilities that go along with people being injected with embryonic stem cells, but my side of the argument states all the liabilities for the people who provide the eggs for the embyonic stem cells in the first place; the women. My article gives an example of just how many embryonic stem cells we would need for just the cases of Diabetes. There were 17 million Diabetes patients in the U.S. by the year 2005, so now we are talking about an even bigger number. Based on research there would be a need for 10-100 human eggs for each patient. That means 170 million to 1.7 billion eggs to treat the Diabetes community as if 2005, which would equal out to about $100,000-200,000 per patient. This is virtually impossible because as of 2000, there was only 60 million american women that could still reproduce. On average, if someone goes under hyper ovarian stimulation, they create about 10-12 eggs per treatment. This means that to meet the quota just for Diabetes, somewhere between 17 million and 170 million women would have to donate. How can we produce these when first off, we don't have enough women, and second, the procedure of ovarian hyperstimulation in itself is dangerous for the woman? This procedure could create ovarian cysts or cancers, severe pelvic pain, rupture of the ovaries, stroke, lack in fertility and even death in some cases. 2.4-5.5 % of all the women so far who have gone through ovarian hyperstimulation have developed complications.
Not only is the harvesting of eggs for the embryonic stem cells dangerous, it is not a very promising field compared to the usage of Adult stem cells. These have been used to treat Heart disease, Parkinsons disease, spinal cord injuries, and many more diseases. Embryonic stem cell researchers have not made a single cure within the last twenty years.
I am against the use of embryonic stem cells due to the fact that it can hurt the woman, and will never be as effective and safe as the use of Adult stem cells.

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