Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jessica Partin block:4 ~cons debate

This article basically summarizes what embryonic stem-cell research was before the year 2007 (more research has been done about alternatives- such as adult somatic cells- since then). It also summarizes the major controversy about it. It discusses about many pros such as the diseases it could eventually cure. Embryonic stem-cell research could cure: Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, heart diseases, stroke and diabetes (type 1), birth defects, spinal cord injuries, replace or repair damaged organs, reduced risk of transplantation (you may be able to get a copy of your own heart in a heart-transplantation in the future), and obviously stem-cells may play a major role in cancer treatment.
The article also discusses many cons. Many people believe that the ends don’t justify the means and that “A life is a life and that should never be compromised. A fertilized egg should be valued as a human life even if it is in its very first weeks. Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical."

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