Adult stem cells have a potentially limitless supply. A person receiving a treatment is able to use their own adult stem cells, unlike embryonic, and this make the possibility of the body rejecting them and causing tumors much slimmer. These are a couple of benefits to using adult stem cells along with many more. Adult stem cells have already helped cure and treat people for various diseases such as cancers, leukemia and other blood diseases. Adult stem cells have the potential to be used in many different types of therapies. The adult stem cells are more efficient than the embryonic and they are not controversial. They do not involve taking the life of a human for the sake of research. For all you know that embryo could have been the next president, the person who ends world hunger, the person who creates world peace, but by using embryonic stem cells that person wouldn’t exist and no one would know. By using embryonic stem cell research you are taking away the possibility for a great and powerful person and taking away someone’s life without their consent. It says in our constitution that everyone has the right to life, liberty in the fourteenth amendment. How can someone be free if they were never given a chance at life? I think we should only use adult stem cells; no one should be able to decide who gets to be born and who doesn’t.
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