Thursday, February 16, 2012

Emily Bateman Block 3-Con Group

     My article has both pro and con points. The main point I found interesting was: Many people experimenting on embryonic stem cells say that it is okay to kill the embryo. They feel this way because when they make the decision, it is still in the blastocyst stage. This means it does not yet have an identity or the capability to think, feel,  or express emotions. Just because a person doesn't have a name, an identity, self-awareness does not mean it is right to kill them. People who are comatose, who have many other diseases/disabilities  cannot experience normal awareness, feel or have expressions but, we do not kill them do we?
     Another point my article discusses is the fact that many embryos go to waste. It says that even though embryos are frozen, once donated, they eventually die. So many of the embryos don't even get used for research or to save another life.
     My last piece of information from my article is that many bodies will reject the new stem cells. This would not help the person receiving them and in the process they could die and at the same time killing the embryo, another life.

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