Friday, February 17, 2012

Cons of Embryotic Stem Cells. Kati Ethridge, block 2

Embryotic Stem Cells Are a Dead End
            Although embryotic stem cell research may seem like a miracle, scientists and researchers keep diving into huge potholes. For starters, the human body attacks all foreign cells, even cells that are helping you (i.e. the stem cells). Therefore, patients who have undergone stem cell treatment may have to live the rest of their lives on a dangerous immunosuppressant drug. Dr. Bernadine Healy, former director of the Nation Institute of Health, agrees that embryotic stem cell research is obsolete. Along with the danger of living with a suppressed immune system, the embryotic cells also have a nasty habit of causing large tumors called teratomas. Teratomas, although they are benign, they can grow larger than a football. They have also been reported to contain teeth, hair, bone, and in extremely rare cases, they can contain complex organs such as eyes, arms, torsos, and other limbs.

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